Phillip "Jeremiah" Weaver

I am a full stack software developer with a specific passion for frontend design and development.
I am experienced with Angular, Ionic, HTML, CSS, .NET, Blazor and more.
I am also passionate about true software craftsmanship, as I feel that this focus will culture a lasting work ethic and improve my skills in areas that will never become obsolete. I believe that a focus on the craftsmanship of software can only enhance my work in the future, regardless of the technology in use.


CGB Enterprises

  • Software Developer III, Summer 2023 - Present
    • Project lead for a customer facing mobile and web app build on Ionic, Angular, and Capacitor with a .NET backend

  • Software Developer II, Fall 2021 - Summer 2023
    • Migrated customer facing mobile app from Cordova to Capacitor

  • Software Developer I, Spring 2020 - Fall 2021
  • Computer Science Intern, Winter 2018 - Spring 2020
    • Part of a team that developed and is maintaining a new client app for iOS, Android, and web using Ionic and Angular with a .NET Framework and .NET Core backend

    • Part of a team that is constantly developing new web apps that are used to help streamline internal processes within the company using various technologies including .NET Framework, .NET Core, Angular, and Blazor.

Emergent Method/Deloitte Consulting

  • Consulting Intern, Summer 2018 - Winter 2018
    • Meet with clients to discuss software and documentation specifications

    • Create and update software mockups

    • Create and update database mapping documentation in the forms of both graphical mappings (Logical Data Models) and Excel spreadsheets

    • Help to maintain and update the documentation for the new Louisiana Medicaid/Medicare system as per the client’s specifications

Southeastern Louisiana University, School of Science and Technology

  • Teaching Assistant, Fall 2018 - Present
    • Help to teach and run the CMPS 285 project class typically for sophomore CSIT students at Southeastern Louisiana University under Dr. Ghassan Alkadi


Southeastern Louisiana University

Bachelor of Science
Information Technology
  • GPA: 3.946

  • Graduation: Spring 2020, Summa Cum Laude

Fall 2016 - Spring 2020

Course Work


  • CMPS 161 Algorithm Design and Implementation I

    Basic concepts of computer programming, problem solving, algorithm development, and program coding using a high-level, block-structured language.

  • CMPS 257 Discrete Structures

    Introduction to discrete structures of computing. Topics include sets, relations, functions, digraphs, matrices, recursion, partially ordered sets, Boolean Algebra, artificial languages, and finite state machines.

  • CMPS 280 Algorithm Design and Implementation II

    An intensive capstone of the material covered in Computer Science 161 and an introduction to elementary data structures, searches, simple and complex sorts, and objects.

  • CMPS 285 Software Engineering

    Introduction of the methods used for specifying, designing, implementing, and testing medium and large scale software systems; methods for organizing and managing software development projects; professionalism and ethical responsibilities in software development.

  • CMPS 290 Computer Organization

    An introduction to the structure and function of computing machines. The primary components of the computer are examined from an organizational and logical standpoint. Topics include introduction to digital systems; machine level representation of data; assembly level machine organization; memory system organization and architectures; and introduction to language translation.

  • CMPS 294 Internet Programming

    This course concerns the art and science of programming for WWW Internet applications from a client-side perspective. Basic and advanced HTML will be covered, with emphasis on current scripting technologies.

  • CMPS 315 System Administration

    This course teaches skills and concepts that are essential to the administration of operation systems, networks, software, various computing support systems, and system documentation, policies, and procedures. This also includes education and support of the users of these systems.

  • CMPS 339 Database Information

    A hands-on comprehensive study of database administration and applications to include selecting, installing, configuring, tuning, maintaining, and reviewing modern database systems.

  • CMPS 390 Data Structures

    Further study of trees, including: balanced trees, B-trees, 2-3 trees, and tries; external sorting, symbol tables, and file structures.

  • CMPS 329 Computer Networking and Security

    Protocols used in local area and wide area networks, network administration, and the conceptual and technical aspects of computer security and information assurance, especially as it impacts computer networks and the Internet.

  • CMPS 375 Computer Architecture

    Hardware organization and implementation of computer architecture. Instruction set considerations and addressing modes. System control concepts. CPU control, microprogramming, I/O interface and memory organization. Parallel and data flow architecture.

  • CMPS 415 Integrated Technologies for Enterprise Systems

    This course provides an introduction to several current technologies, and how they can be used to integrate software solutions into a functional large interconnected system. The course will focus on contemporary technologies used for enterprise software development.

  • CMPS 420 Human Computer Interaction

    Designing, implementing, and evaluating computer systems. Task analysis, prototyping, usability evaluation, dialogue specification, interaction styles and techniques, human factors, virtual reality, multimedia, and hypermedia systems.

  • CMPS 411 Capstone I

    This course presents a formal approach to the top-down design, development, and maintenance of software systems. Topics include organization and management of software projects, security, programmer teams, validation and verification.

  • CMPS 383 Information Systems

    A study of file organization and management, analysis of the concept of information systems, approaches and techniques for evaluating information systems. Fourth generation languages will be explored.

  • CMPS 479 Automata and Formal Languages

    Introduction to computing device capabilities through study of abstract machines and corresponding formal languages. Topics include Turing machines, recursion, Chomsky grammars, context-free languages, regular languages, and finite automata.


Software, Programming Languages, & Tools
  • Angular
  • Blazor
  • Ionic
  • Capacitor
  • Cordova
  • Typescript
  • Telerik Kendo UI
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • C#
  • .NET
  • Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git
  • Windows 7 & 10
  • MacOS
  • Ubuntu
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Excel
  • Bash
  • PowerShell
  • IntelliJ
  • PyCharm
  • Rider
  • Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
  • Java
  • SQL
  • Azure Data Studio
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Python
  • Haxe
  • Node.JS
  • WebStorm
  • PHPStorm
  • PHP
  • Azure
  • Azure DevOps
  • JIRA
  • iRise


I enjoy keeping up with the latest and greatest developments in technology. It doesn't matter what area of technology it is, I love researching it. I most frequently check the latest news on computer hardware, Linux, Windows, mobile devices, and web technologies though.


  • Summa Cum Laude
  • 2020 Outstanding Graduating Senior in Information Technology
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Spring 2020
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Fall 2019
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Spring 2019
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Fall 2018
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Spring 2018
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Fall 2017
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Spring 2017
  • Southeastern Louisiana University President’s List, Fall 2016